Wilian's 2025 Christmas Letter

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YPM End of Year Letter 2021

Happy New Year to you and your family!

First, a personal note from Wilian: “I want to tell you that as a family we are well. Willie is two years away from completing his studies to be a doctor. He is currently studying virtually and living at home. Andre will finish high school next year. He will study at YPM High School and we will live at the base in Leona Vicario until he is done. We are excited about what God is doing and we put ourselves in His hands. Thank you for all your love, support and prayers and we wish you a very Happy 2022!”

Despite having to take a break from mission trips for most of this year, we have so much to be thankful for and want to share all the wonderful progress going on with YPM - here are a few highlights from 2021:

Instituto YPM (IYPM)

  • The University celebrated our first generation of graduates in August! We had 15 students graduate with degrees in Education, Business Administration and Law. It was a beautiful and emotional ceremony with speeches from area pastors, school administrators, top graduates, YPM USA Board President Jim Witmer and YPM Mexico Director Wilian Cen Colli. Read more and watch the video here.
  • We are expecting 100 new students in January, and plans are underway to construct two new classrooms and begin work on a pavilion/auditorium in 2022.
  • The University now offers degree plans in Marketing, Social Work, Business Administration, Law, Education and Theology. In Wilian’s report to the Board regarding the Theology degree, he notes that it has been an assertive and daring decision on IYPM’s part to offer a degree in Theology, because we know that in Mexico you can not integrate education with the teaching of the Bible so we believe it was a bold decision. But we did and it was approved by the government! Following this approval, we can now offer pastors, future leaders and teachers in theology the opportunity to be professionals with the ability not only to lead a church but also to obtain the tools to influence the communities where they live. We are also working with existing seminaries across Mexico to offer our facilities and accreditations for their students as well. YPM is addressing this need and is making history in Mexico, because it is dignifying the pastor's ministry and seeking professionals to serve within the church and outside it.
  • Wilian also reported that they have also started a curriculum for young people who want to study the career of Tourism. Wilian has collaborated with hotel entrepreneurs to give our students the facilities and spaces equipped with computers as part of the program. if any student has difficulty paying their tuition fees they will be offered temporary employment and at the end of their studies the graduates will have a secure job position. We are also investing in English language learning for first year students. We started with about 70 students in this program, and are excited about this new opportunity.
  • YPM has also opened a preparatory high school and has 70 students enrolled.

Ch’e’en Ja’ Agua Purificada

  • The clean and healthy purified water plant is up and running! Several of the Board members were able to tour the new water plant, meet the staff, and watch the entire purification process at work.
  • This new plant offers bottles of water at almost half the price of those available in the grocery stores and is delicious and also available for delivery. Many of the homes in Leona Vicario do not have safe potable water, so this new plant will continue to promote our mission of building resiliency, sustainability and improving the health of the local residents. Several local residents have been trained to run the plant and two of IYPM students are also working at the plant. Within the month, Wilian believes the plant will be making a profit and they will be able to invest in other delivery options. Wilian is currently exploring options for a delivery vehicle for the plant, so we can serve other communities and larger volume customers. Check out the photos here.

2022 Mission Trips are Scheduled

We are pleased to announce that mission trips are back on the schedule for 2022! Check out the list below and let us know if you’d like to schedule a trip for your group or join one of these:

  • January 11-18 - Northminster Presbyterian Church, Peoria, IL Construction Trip
  • January 18-25 - Northminster Presbyterian Church, Peoria, IL Construction Trip
  • March 5-13 - FPC, San Antonio, TX Youth Construction Trip
  • June 11-16 - FUPC, Loveland, CO (and/or Presbytery of Plains & Peaks) Construction Trip
  • July 26 - July 3 - FPC Birmingham, MI Construction Trip

Wilian and Erly’s Trip to the USA

Wilian and Erly visited the Rocky Mountains and several midwestern states for the first time to speak to existing YPM supporting churches, introduce YPM to new churches, and play in the snow for the first time. Here’s a short recap:

Wilian and Erly joined pastor Amy Morgan of First Presbyterian Church in Loveland, Colorado, in bringing Communion to a home-bound member who just turned 103 years old. They later had dinner with members of the congregation and shared a presentation about the work of YPM. You can view the presentation here.

They also visited Scottsbluff, Nebraska, where they explored the area, and, thanks to a kindly and talkative park ranger, were introduced to covered wagons and the history of the Oregon Trail, and got to see antelope and big horned sheep. They had dinner with the Presbytery staff – the Executive Presbyter, Acting Stated Clerk, and Administrator. The Acting Stated Clerk, Michael Fitzsimmons, was very interested in the mission of YPM. He and his wife intend to join a mission trip in June, and he offered to help with fundraising. He knows the owners of 3 large construction companies in Colorado and has offered to set up a lunch with them to encourage corporate sponsorship of YPM.

They attended the Presbytery meeting in Scottsbluff where Wilian preached for the worship service and Pastor Amy Morgan shared about the Presbytery’s partnership with YPM and future mission trip. Wilian and Erly spent lots of time exploring the museum, and later that evening, their host took them to meet with a family from the Yucatan who is living with and working for another member of the church. He preached in Scottsbluff and then headed back to Colorado.

During the trip, Wilian and Erly experienced their first snowfall. They enjoyed making and throwing snowballs and taking lots of photos and videos. Wilian made a presentation to the mission committee of the largest church in the Presbytery of the Plains & Peaks, First Ft. Collins. They met with other churches in the area later that day.

Overall, the trip was a great success. They covered over 600 miles, met with and talked with 5 different churches in addition to an entire Presbytery, and procured $7100 in donations to YPM. The videos Wilian shared are beautiful. They have a young man who graduated from film school who is making promotional videos for the school. They had many good discussions about the vision for the school and for YPM, and the future is bright.

From our YPM family to yours, Happy New Year!


The YPM USA Board of Directors

Jim Witmer
Amy Morgan
Mark Jevahirian
Leslie Barrett
Kathy Markgraf
Rich Delano
Cynthia Robinson
Matt Lightfoot
Bethany Peerbolte